TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) is weight-loss support that’s affordable and works. No fad diets or foods to buy. Eat what you love and lose weight with portion control and healthy weight loss tips. TOPS meets in the library every Monday, and new members are always welcome. Your first meeting is free! Weigh-in starts at 3:30, meeting follows at 5 PM. Meetings are held in the Kurtz Room.

The Bellwood Quilting Bees meet in the library’s Sheetz Community Room at 6:30 PM the first Thursday of every month. New members are always welcome to attend. Meetings can consist of Show and Tell, working on projects, or classes. For more information on the group, visit their Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/Bellwood-Quilting-Bees-1562202807344001.

The library is the base of operations for the Juniata Valley Audubon Society. Their meetings, which run September-May, are open to the public. For more information, visit their website at https://www.jvas.org/.

The library is the base of operations of the Bellwood-Antis Community Trust. This group is dedicated to making the Bellwood-Antis community place a better place to live. New members are always welcome at meetings. For information on the group’s current meeting schedule and events, visit their Facebook page here.

The library is the base of operations for the Bellwood-Antis Historical Society. The group is currently on hiatus, but watch our Facebook page for updates on any future events.

The Keystone World War II Interest Group is dedicated to studying the impact of World War II on the Bellwood-Antis Community. For more information, e-mail ksww2ig@gmail.com, or refer to the following information compiled by the group:
Bellwood-Antis World War 2 Honor Roll Project
Bellwood-Antis World War 2 Veterans list of names.
Bellwood-Antis World War 2 Bios: How many of these veterans do you know?